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ROS Control



In this page we are going to learn about one of the useful packages but difficult to understand, ros_control


We will start with knowing briefly about what is control and its importance in robotics. Then understand how ros_control package comes in handy to control our robots.


Let me list the topic that we are going to cover.



               1. Why Control.

               2. What is ROS Control.

               3. Types of controllers in ros_control Package.

               4. How to write hardware_interface.

               5. How to use ros_control on your robot.


Lets begin.


Why Control..?


             We have heard a lot about control systems and PID controllers in our Engineering. Now-a-days Control systems are every where, from cars (for controlling the speed in Cruse mode) to lunar lander (to control the orientation and speed for soft landing). 


            Anyways, this page does not explain about control system but we will see how to use ros control package in robotics. I move forward assuming you have prior knowledge on what is a PID control system and how it works. 

Why Control

Fig. 1block diagram of a PID controller in a feedback loop

Table 1 Effects of increasing a parameter independently

First let us talk about why we need control in robotics.?


          When we are dealing with the robots we need to make sure that its motion is controlled i.e., the actions are neither too slow nor too fast and are following the specified trajectory.

          Imagine you want to pick/place a object from/on a table then you move your hand such a way that the you/object does not hit the table hard and also you place it in a possibly short time. Here you are controlling the position and speed of your hand throughout the motion. We have to apply the same for robots as well. Whenever we need the robot to place an object at the right place, on the right time , we need to control its motion.


          ROS provides us with a set of packages that can be used to control the motion of our robots using PID controllers. You can also write your own controller plugin if you wish to. But when we start writing our own controller we need to take care of the lot of things like sampling rate, derivative kick, on-the-fly tuning parameters, reset windup mitigation and etc. All these these aspects are taken care and packaged for our use in ROS.


          ROS provides a generalized control package known as ros_control that can be used for our robots saving our time from re-writing the controllers code.  


Now lets move on to answer the question What is ROS contol.

What is ROS Control..?


          ROS_Control is a set of packages that includes controller interface, controller manager, transmissions, hardware interfaces and control toolbox. All these packages together will allow you interact and control the joint actuators of the robot.

What is ROS control

Fig. 2 A block diagram of ROS Control

          ros_control will take the joint state data and an input set point (goal) as input from user/3rd party application as shown in Fig 3 and sends the appropriate commands to the actuators as an output. In-order to achieve the provided set point(goal) , it uses a generic control loop feedback mechanism, typically a PID controller, to control the output. This output is passed to robot through the hardware interface.

Fig. 3 Big picture of ROS control

Pic Credit: ROSCon 2014

          The third party block (Moveit/Navigation Stack) represents the one that is sending goal to ros_control packages. The controllers (base_controller/arm_controller/base controller) are responsible for computing the output command required to achieve the set goal. In order to move the joints controllers have to talk to actuators. The hardware interface node (RobotHW) sits between the controllers & the real hardware and it will command the actuators to move and get the feedback from the joint sensors. This is how ros_control will work.

Check the below video for better understating,

In the above video I have used effort controllers. Click here for source code.


There are other controllers as well. Lets check the list of controllers.

Types of Controllers in  ROS Control Package

          ROS control package provides a set of controller plugins to interact in different ways with the joints of the robot . The list is as follows:

Types of Controllers
  • joint_state_controller: This controller reads all joint positions and publish them on to the topic "/joint_states". This controller does not send any command to the actuators. Used as "joint_state_controller/JointStateController". 


  • effort_controllers: Use when you want to send commands to an effort interface. This means that joint actuator you want to control accepts effort [current (or) voltage] command.


Used as "effort_controllers/JointPositionController". This controller plugin accepts the position [radians  (or) meters] value as input. Error (goal position - current position) is mapped to output effort command  through a PID loop.​


Used as "effort_controllers/JointVelocityController". This controller plugin accepts the velocity  [radians/sec (or) meters/sec] values as input. Error (goal velocity - current velocity) is mapped to output effort command through a PID loop.


Used as "effort_controllers/JointEffortController". This controller plugin accepts the effort [force (or) torque] values as input. The input effort is simply forwarded as output effort command to the joint actuator. The values of P, I and D have no effect on output effort.


Used as "effort_controllers/JointGroupPositionController". This controller functions same as  effort_controllers/JointPositionController for a group of joints.


Used as "effort_controllers/JointGroupEffortController". This controller functions same as  effort_controllers/JointEffortController for a group of joints.

  • velocity_controllers: Use when you want to send commands to an velocity interface. This means that joint actuator you want to control accepts velocity command directly.


Used as "velocity_controllers/JointPositionController". This controller plugin accepts the position  [radians (or) meters] value as input. Error (goal position - current position) is mapped to output  velocity command through a PID loop.


Used as "velocity_controllers/JointVelocityController". This controller plugin accepts the velocity [radians/sec (or) meters/sec] values as input. The input velocity value is  simply forwarded as output  command to the joint actuator. The values of P, I and D have no effect on output command.


Used as "velocity_controllers/JointGroupVelocityController". This controller functions same as  velocity_controllers/JointVelocityController for a group of joints.

  • position_controllers: Use when you want to send commands to an position interface. This means that joint actuator you want to control accepts position command directly.


Used as "position_controllers/JointPositionController". This controller plugin accepts the position [radians (or) meters] values as input. The input position value is simply forwarded as output command to the joint actuator. The values of P, I and D have no effect on output  command.


Used as "position_controllers/JointGroupPositionController". This controller functions same as  position_controllers/JointPositionController for a group of joints.​

  • joint_trajectory_controllers: This controller is used for executing joint-space trajectories on a group of joints. Trajectories are specified as a set of waypoints to be reached. Waypoints consist of positions, and optionally velocities and accelerations. For more information on this controller, click here.


Used as "effort_controllers/JointTrajectoryController". This controller plugin is used for the  joint actuators that accepts effort [current (or) voltage]. The position+velocity trajectory following error is    mapped to the output effort commands through a PID loop.


Used as "velocity_controllers/JointTrajectoryController". This controller plugin is used for the joint        actuators that accepts velocity command directly. The position+velocity trajectory following error is      mapped to the output velocity commands through a PID loop.


Used as "position_controllers/JointTrajectoryController". This controller plugin is used for the joint        actuators that accepts position command directly. The desired positions in the specified trajectory are  simply forwarded to the joints. The values of P, I and D have no effect on output command.

Huhhhh...!! The list was big, isn't it. So you think the list of controllers ends here ?


          Not yet, the type of controller that I have listed above are the basic and most frequently used ones. ros_control package provides few more useful controllers. I am leaving it to your interest. If you like to know the complete list of controllers, then go through the source code of ros_controllers in ros_control package. 


          Now you have to decide which controller plugin to be used based on the type of joint actuators/motors you are using and what you want to control (position, velocity, trajectory or effort) except joint_state_controller because joint_state_controller is set ALWAYS as it provides the current joint states of the robot. And BTW don't forget that you are not limited to work only with the controllers present in ros_control package. You can write your own controller plugin anytime and use it, if you are not satisfied with the existing controllers.

So far so good.


Now we have our actuators/motors (real hardware) and the ros controllers ready to use but still we need something else to control the robot. Can you guess what is the missing part ?


It is the hardware interface node. Now lets learn how to write a hardware interface node to make ros controllers and real hardware communicate.

How to write hardware_interface:


          hardware_interface implements all the building blocks for constructing a Robot hardware abstraction. It is the software representation of the robot. We have a set of interfaces for different types of motors/actuators and sensors as listed below:

Hardware Interface
  • Interfaces for Joint Actuators:

- EffortJointInterface     : 

This interface is used for the joint actuators which accepts effort (voltage or current) command. As you might have guessed by now, this interface is used with the effort_controllers.

- VelocityJointInterface : 

This interface is used for the joint actuators which accepts velocity command directly. Used with the velocity_controllers.

- PositionJointInterface : 

This interface is used for the joint actuators which accepts position command directly. Used with  the position_controllers.

  • Interfaces for Joint Sensors:

- JointStateInterface     : 

This interface is used when you have senors for getting the current position or/and velocity or/and effort (force/torque) of the joints. Used with joint_state_controller. 


JointStateInterface is used in almost all robot because it gets the current joint positions of the robot which data in-turn is used by the tf/tf2 to calculate forward kinematics of the robot.

- ImuSensorInterface   : 

This interface is used when you have a IMU sensors which is used to get the orientation,  angular velocity and linear acceleration of the joint/robot. This is used with imu_sensor_controller.

​          Based on the type of the motors and sensors you are using, you have to choose the interfaces accordingly. Now that we have understood the types of interfaces available for joint actuators and sensors, lets learn how to write the hardware_interface node (the software representation of our robot).


          So lets assume a robot with three joints as example and will write hardware interface for that. Lets start.

          Our robot has three actuators JointA, JointB and JointC and position sensors at each joint. Lets say JointA & JointB accepts effort commands and JointC accepts position command. Okay, we have enough information about our robot to write the hardware interface so lets begin to write the code.


          Well, we need to create a header file and a cpp file in the robot's catkin package. Let me name them as MyRobot_hardware_interface.h and MyRobot_hardware_interface.cpp.


Fold your sleeves up and let'd do it..!!!  Lets have a look at MyRobot_hardware_interface.h first,

#include <hardware_interface/joint_state_interface.h>
#include <hardware_interface/joint_command_interface.h>
#include <hardware_interface/robot_hw.h>
#include <joint_limits_interface/joint_limits.h>
#include <joint_limits_interface/joint_limits_interface.h>
#include <controller_manager/controller_manager.h>
#include <boost/scoped_ptr.hpp>
#include <ros/ros.h>

class MyRobot : public hardware_interface::RobotHW 
        MyRobot(ros::NodeHandle& nh);
        void init();
        void update(const ros::TimerEvent& e);
        void read();
        void write(ros::Duration elapsed_time);
        hardware_interface::JointStateInterface joint_state_interface_;
        hardware_interface::EffortJointInterface effort_joint_interface_;
        hardware_interface::PositionJointInterface position_joint_interface_;
        joint_limits_interface::JointLimits limits;
        joint_limits_interface::EffortJointSaturationInterface effortJointSaturationInterface;
        joint_limits_interface::PositionJointSaturationInterface positionJointSaturationInterface;

        double joint_position_[3];
        double joint_velocity_[3];
        double joint_effort_[3];
        double joint_effort_command_[2];
        double joint_position_command_;
        ros::NodeHandle nh_;
        ros::Timer my_control_loop_;
        ros::Duration elapsed_time_;
        double loop_hz_;
        boost::shared_ptr<controller_manager::ControllerManager> controller_manager_;

Lets break down the code of above header file and understand it.

#include <hardware_interface/joint_state_interface.h>
#include <hardware_interface/joint_command_interface.h>
#include <hardware_interface/robot_hw.h>
#include <joint_limits_interface/joint_limits.h>
#include <joint_limits_interface/joint_limits_interface.h>
#include <controller_manager/controller_manager.h>
#include <boost/scoped_ptr.hpp>
#include <ros/ros.h>

Included all required header files.

class MyRobot : public hardware_interface::RobotHW 


This is the class of robots hardware which consists of the methods for reading the joint sensors data, sending commands to the motor, control loop and of-course the joint interfaces data. 

        MyRobot(ros::NodeHandle& nh);
        void init();
        void update(const ros::TimerEvent& e);
        void read();
        void write(ros::Duration elapsed_time);

Here are the constructor, destructor and other methods of MyRobot class. 

  • init() method is where we define all joint handle, joint's interfaces and joint limits interfaces.

  • update() method is the control loop().

  • read() method is for reading joint sensor data. 

  • write() method for sending command to motors.


We will see these definitions in the cpp file.

        hardware_interface::JointStateInterface joint_state_interface_;
        hardware_interface::EffortJointInterface effort_joint_interface_;
        hardware_interface::PositionJointInterface position_joint_interface_;
        joint_limits_interface::JointLimits limits;
        joint_limits_interface::EffortJointSaturationInterface effortJointSaturationInterface;
        joint_limits_interface::PositionJointSaturationInterface positionJointSaturationInterface;

Declare the type of joint interfaces and joint limit interfaces your robot actuators/motors are using. Since our example robot has only effort and position accepting motors, I haves declared joint interfaces and limit interfaces for effort and position. If you have some motors accepting velocity commands, then declare the velocity corresponding interfaces. 

        double joint_position_[3];
        double joint_velocity_[3];
        double joint_effort_[3];
        double joint_effort_command_[2];
        double joint_position_command_;

joint_position_[3], joint_velocity_[3], joint_effort_[3] are the array variables for reading position, velocity and effort of the joints of our robot. These variables are used by joint_state_interface. The size of array is 3 since our example robot has 3 joints in total. joint_effort_command_[2] array is for sending the commands to JointA and JointB. joint_position_command_ is for sending command to JointC.

        ros::NodeHandle nh_;
        ros::Timer my_control_loop_;
        ros::Duration elapsed_time_;
        double loop_hz_;
        boost::shared_ptr<controller_manager::ControllerManager> controller_manager_;

Here are some other variables used in this our hardware_interface node. my_control_loop_ is a timer which calls control loop (update method) periodically at a set frequency (loop_hz_ ).

Okay we are done with understanding the hearder file . So next lets have a look at MyRobot_hardware_interface.cpp,

#include <YOUR_PACKAGE_NAME/MYRobot_hardware_interface.h>


MyRobot::MyRobot(ros::NodeHandle& nh) : nh_(nh) {


// Declare all JointHandles, JointInterfaces and JointLimitInterfaces of the robot.
// Create the controller manager
    controller_manager_.reset(new controller_manager::ControllerManager(this, nh_));
//Set the frequency of the control loop.
    ros::Duration update_freq = ros::Duration(1.0/loop_hz_);
//Run the control loop
    my_control_loop_ = nh_.createTimer(update_freq, &MyRobot::update, this);


MyRobot::~MyRobot() {


void MyRobot::init() {
// Create joint_state_interface for JointA
    hardware_interface::JointStateHandle jointStateHandleA("JointA", &joint_position_[0], &joint_velocity_[0], &joint_effort_[0]);
// Create effort joint interface as JointA accepts effort command.
    hardware_interface::JointHandle jointEffortHandleA(jointStateHandleA, &joint_effort_command_[0]);
// Create Joint Limit interface for JointA
    joint_limits_interface::getJointLimits("JointA", nh_, limits);
    joint_limits_interface::EffortJointSaturationHandle jointLimitsHandleA(jointEffortHandleA, limits);

// Create joint_state_interface for JointB
    hardware_interface::JointStateHandle jointStateHandleB("JointB", &joint_position_[1], &joint_velocity_[1], &joint_effort_[1]);

// Create effort joint interface as JointB accepts effort command..
    hardware_interface::JointHandle jointEffortHandleB(jointStateHandleB, &joint_effort_command_[1]);
// Create Joint Limit interface for JointB
    joint_limits_interface::getJointLimits("JointB", nh_, limits);
    joint_limits_interface::EffortJointSaturationHandle jointLimitsHandleB(jointEffortHandleB, limits);
// Create joint_state_interface for JointC
    hardware_interface::JointStateHandle jointStateHandleC("JointC", &joint_position_[2], &joint_velocity_[2], &joint_effort_[2]);

// Create position joint interface as JointC accepts position command.
    hardware_interface::JointHandle jointPositionHandleC(jointStateHandleC, &joint_position_command_);
// Create Joint Limit interface for JointC
    joint_limits_interface::getJointLimits("JointC", nh_, limits);
    joint_limits_interface::PositionJointSaturationHandle jointLimitsHandleC(jointPositionHandleC, limits);

// Register all joints interfaces    


//This is the control loop
void MyRobot::update(const ros::TimerEvent& e) {
    elapsed_time_ = ros::Duration(e.current_real - e.last_real);
    controller_manager_->update(ros::Time::now(), elapsed_time_);


void MyRobot::read() {​

  // Write the protocol (I2C/CAN/ros_serial/ros_industrial)used to get the current joint position and/or velocity and/or effort       

  //from robot.
  // and fill JointStateHandle variables joint_position_[i], joint_velocity_[i] and joint_effort_[i]



void MyRobot::write(ros::Duration elapsed_time) {
  // Safety
  effortJointSaturationInterface.enforceLimits(elapsed_time);   // enforce limits for JointA and JointB
  positionJointSaturationInterface.enforceLimits(elapsed_time); // enforce limits for JointC

  // Write the protocol (I2C/CAN/ros_serial/ros_industrial)used to send the commands to the robot's actuators.
  // the output commands need to send are joint_effort_command_[0] for JointA, joint_effort_command_[1] for JointB and 

  //joint_position_command_ for JointC.



int main(int argc, char** argv)

    //Initialze the ROS node.
    ros::init(argc, argv, "MyRobot_hardware_inerface_node");
    ros::NodeHandle nh;
    //Separate Sinner thread for the Non-Real time callbacks such as service callbacks to load controllers
    // Create the object of the robot hardware_interface class and spin the thread. 
    MyRobot ROBOT(nh);
    return 0;

I hope most part of the above cpp file is self explanatory with the help of the comments, I'll explain only the important lines.

my_control_loop_ = nh_.createTimer(update_freq, &MyRobot::update, this);

This line will make the update() method (PID control loop) loop periodically at a specified frequency.

//This is the control loop
void MyRobot::update(const ros::TimerEvent& e) {
    elapsed_time_ = ros::Duration(e.current_real - e.last_real);
    controller_manager_->update(ros::Time::now(), elapsed_time_);

update() method will simply call read() method to get the current joint states. Then the current joint states are updated to the controller manager to compute the error (current - goal) and generate output commands for each joint using PID loop. And finally calls write() method to send the output commands to the actuators/joints.

          With this we complete understanding how to write hardware_interface for any robot. You can use the above codes as boilerplate code for writing hardware interface and control loop for your robots. 


          My sincere Thanks to Slate Robotics. This blog helped me in understanding how to write a hardware interface node. You can check the hardware_interface node of TR1 robot here.


          Till now we have understood the types of ros controllers, hardware_interfaces and how to write a hardware_interface node for a custom robot but still we did not start controlling the robot yet. We are only one step behind to start controlling the robot. So lets take that step and see what more is required to start controlling the robot. 

How to use ros_control on your robot:


          After writing the hardware interface node for your robot, you have to write some config files to declare the controllers and joint limits of the joint actuators to control the robot . Lets jump back to the our 3 Joint robot and write the config files & launch file to start the controlling our robot.


          Before going to write the configuration files, we have to first decide what actually we want to control (is it position, effort or velocity of the joints). If you remember, while taking this robot example, I said we only have joint position sensors which means we can only get the position feedback of joints. So, we will write the configuration files to control the position of the robot. Let me name the config file for defining the controllers as controllers.yaml and joint_limits.yaml for describing the joint limits.

How to use ROS Control

So lets go through controllers.yaml file,


    # Publish all joint states
      type: joint_state_controller/JointStateController
      publish_rate: 50

    JointA_EffortController:                                               # Name of the controller
      type: effort_controllers/JointPositionController         # Since JointA uses effort interface this controller type is  used      
      joint: JointA                                                                # Name of the joint for which this controller belongs to.

      pid: {p: 100.0, i: 10.0, d: 1.0}                                    # PID values
      type: effort_controllers/JointPositionController        # Since JointB uses effort interface this
 controller type is  used   
      joint: JointB                                                                 
      pid: {p: 1.0, i: 1.0, d: 0.0}

      type: position_controllers/JointPositionController    # Since JointC uses position interface this
 controller type is  used 
      joint: JointC

      # No PID values defined since this controller simply passes the input position command to the actuators.

That ends the controllers.yaml file for our example robot. So based on the joint interface and what needs to be controlled, the type of the controller decided. Hope you have gone through the Types of Controllers section above, then you can easily decide which controller type to be used for your robot's joints.


Now lets check the format to define a limits of the joints.  Have a look at the joint_limts.yaml file below,


      has_position_limits: true
      min_position: -1.57
      max_position: 1.57
      has_velocity_limits: true
      max_velocity: 1.5
      has_acceleration_limits: false
      max_acceleration: 0.0
      has_jerk_limits: false
      max_jerk: 0
      has_effort_limits: true
      max_effort: 255


      has_position_limits: true
      min_position: 0
      max_position: 3.14
      has_velocity_limits: true
      max_velocity: 1.5
      has_acceleration_limits: false
      max_acceleration: 0.0
      has_jerk_limits: false
      max_jerk: 0
      has_effort_limits: true
      max_effort: 255
      has_position_limits: true
      min_position: 0
      max_position: 3.14
      has_velocity_limits: false
      max_velocity: 0
      has_acceleration_limits: false
      max_acceleration: 0.0
      has_jerk_limits: false
      max_jerk: 0
      has_effort_limits: false
      max_effort: 0

This is the format to write the joint limits of your robot. These joint limit values are used by the joint_limits_interface defined in the hardware_interface node, to keep the robot within the safety limits by enforcing the output commands.


          That completes writing config files for our robot. So lets write a launch file to load the config files, run the hardware_interface node,  start controller manager and load controllers. Let me name it as MyRobot_control.launch.


Lets have a look on MyRobot_control.launch file below,

  <rosparam file="$(find YOUR_PACKAGE_NAME)/config/controllers.yaml" command="load"/>
  <rosparam file="$(find YOUR_PACKAGE_NAME)/config/joint_limits.yaml" command="load"/>


  <node name="MyRobotHardwareInterface" pkg="YOUR_PACKAGE_NAME" type="MyRobot_hardware_inerface_node" output="screen"/>


  <node name="robot_state_publisher" pkg="robot_state_publisher" type="state_publisher"/ >
  <node name="controller_spawner" pkg="controller_manager" type="spawner" respawn="false" output="screen"


          Again the above launch file is self explanatory but I would like to talk a bit about controller_manager. In the above launch file controllers are loaded into the controller_manager through the controller "spawner" python script. There is another way to load the controllers. Controllers are loaded into the the controller_manager through service requests. These service requests can be sent manually at the command line. click here for more info on how to use command line to load/start/stop the controllers.


          Once the controllers are loaded and started, you can send the desired goal through the below topic interface. ros_controllers will send the appropriate output commands to the actuators to achieve the goal.         

Topic names for controlling our example robot.

  • JointA: /MyRobot/JointA_EffortController/command

  • JointB: /MyRobot/JointB_EffortController/command

  • JointC: /MyRobot/JointC_PositionController/command

          Finally we have come to the end of this post. Let me summarise what is needed to use ros_control on your robot for one last time.


  1. You have to write the hardware_interface node for your robot.

  2. Write the config file to select controller type for the joints based on the joint interface & application and PID values(if requrired).

  3. Write a config file to define the joint limits of your robot.

  4. Load and start controllers through controller_manager.

  5. Use the topic interface to send the input goal to the controllers.

          So you can use the above example robot codes as a template to setup ros_control on your own robots. All the ROS projects I have made, are using ros_control. So you can check my projects for working examples of robots using ros_control.


           Hope you have understood every thing that is explained here about ros_control. If you have any questions, feel free to post me using the contact us column below.


Thank you..!!!

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